This is day one of the Art with Fabric Blog hop where you make a quilt inspired by any artist and I decided to do Jackson Pollack
this is a Jackson Pollack painting that sold for 140 million dollars
this is my pollack style fabric art that will not sell for 140 million dollars
mine was inspired my this pollack that hangs in the Met.
I'm sure you all have seen his paintings as he is one of the most famous of the modern artists from the 1940's era when modern art was in it's early stages.
I've always been one of those cynics that didn't understand this type of art but I am now "getting it"
What changed my narrow minded old fashioned stick in the mud ways?
this book
It is historical fiction set in the 1940's and is a must read for anyone that loves art or just loves a good read - I listened on audio book and it was really good
So after watching a you tube video or 2 on how to paint like Pollack
(what did we do before you tube)

(we are on a first name basis now that I am painting like him) (grin)
and I dribbled

If I were to do this again I wouldn't quilt it. I had no idea how to quilt this and just haphazardly went about it and frankly made it look worse.
All in all it was really fun.
please be sure to check out the other bloggers posting today for the art with fabric blog hop- click here for a list of who and for clickable links to their blogs each day all week. It's really interesting to see what people do - such a wide variety of talent.